Dripping wet and in the lair of Balereo, ๐งGronk finds himself searching the frogs, finding just frog meat to eat. The party camps up and makes a refreshing meal. Kineeta tells them that they are in a dragon's lair, and there is much treasure here. She tells the party that they can take as much as they can carry, but she reserves the right to inspect and claim items.
The following morning, ๐ฐFaefina reports hearing occasional slithering and hiss from the ceiling. Kineeta pulls out a crystal and casts Light on it to show the party the way. Climbing up from the grotto and into the basement, the party realises the place is large but built for humans more than dragons. ๐Bori and Faefina realise that the building is a repository of knowledge. Kineeta says that the writing on the walls is a warning to those who do not respect the place.
Searching, the party finds 15 Platinum pieces. Bori finds a scroll written in Giant and Celestial, apparently part of a set of histories. It says that after the wall of storms was established, druids and shamans built communities, with the exception of the Elves, who turned inwards to avoid anti-arcane magic sentiment. The Elves created a settlement known as Arloviander, regarded as the homeland of the elves on this side of the wall. Dragons likewise retreated from the world.
Kineeta finds a tome in a language she does not recognise. She keeps it for later.
In one room, Gronk finds a hundred of football sized eggs strewn around. At first they are unable to identify them, until Bori remembers seeing similar (but smaller) snake eggs, and realises that the room is indeed filled with snake eggs. Kineeta, seeing them, tells the party to back away immediately. She tells them that they're Yuanti eggs.
At this point, 9 Yuanti brood guards walk into the room.
Gronk casts fireball at the first group of 3, dealing 23 dmg. Using Wild Magic Surge, he finds he must shout when speaking for the next minute.
The brood guards pat out the flames on them.
Faefina casts Aid on the party for additional 10HP. She also casts Bless on herself, Bori, and Gronk.
The brood guards swipe at Kineeta and Gronk, dealing him 10 sl dmg.
One also hits Faefina for 10 sl dmg.
Bori steps forward and attacks four times, hitting thrice and dealing 12 dmg ea. He tries toppling two of them, and does manage to stun one of them.
Kineeta turns to the one in front of Gronk, says something in Draconic, and it turns towards Bori and Faefina.
Gronk casts fireball again, and manages to take out four of them in front of Faefina and Bori.
Faefina hops to a clearer area and casts Guiding Bolt at a brood guard in front of Bori, hitting it for 20 dmg and killing it. She then summons Spiritual Weapon, hitting the last one in front of Bori for 6 dmg.
The brood guards hit Kineeta. The one in front of Gronk attacks the guard in front of Kineeta, doing a little damage. The one in front of Bori hits him for 5 dmg.
Bori hits the gaurd in front of him twice, knocking him out. Running up to the ones facing Kineeta, he hits twice more, breaking its back from behind.
Kineeta retreats to avoid further damage.
Gronk uses Mindspike on the remaining aggressive guard, killing it.
Kineeta walks up to the remaining compliant guard. She asks where the masters are, and is told that the masters are at the end of a long passage. When Gronk asks where the treasure is, the guard says that the party must go through the masters. The guard begs for death, and Kineeta says that by captivating his mind as she has, the mind is now the original human one.
The party finds a room to rest up before facing the masters. While doing so, Faefina finds a fresh symbol in chalk on the wall, written in Giant and Celestial saying 'Bear witness, when the two become one and the dedicated ascends.' It is also in the same circle of platinum, gold, and copper as seen before.
Faefina recognises the clear link to Wren is not as clear as that, and there is an order to the pattern as well as the link to money.
While resting, Kineeta pulls out her crystal ball, and asks Gronk to look into it with her. She tells him to think of ๐Lola, Qwerty, and Mrs Bobbit. Gronk tries, but sees nothing. She says they're travelling, and Lola has learnt to travel via plants.
The next morning, the party ventures to the end of the passageway. The door leads into a huge chamber, strewn with books, scrolls, gems, and gold. Guarding the door are four men with snake heads, and a snake with human arms.
'What have we here, asks one in a sibilant hiss. 'Let's kill them and find out', says the other.
Faefina casts Blindness on the big snake with human arms, rendering it unable to see.
She also casts Spiritual Weapon as a battleaxe to hit the big snake, dealing 10 dmg.
Bori attacks each humanoid snake once, hitting one for 16 dmg and the other for 11dmg, and toppliing them both.
Gronk casts fireball, hitting all of them for 31 dmg, and WMS causes him to heal himself unnecessarily.
Bori is hit by one of the humaoids wielding a scimitar and dealing 6 sla.
Two hit Gronk, dealing 6 sla dmg each.
Another also hits Kineeta.
Kineeta whips with her sleeves at the humanoid that has crawled up to her, dazing it.
Faefina casts Aid, healing up the party with 10 temp HP. and uses spiritual weapon to do 9 dmg to the snake.
Bori attacks the two in front of him, hitting four times and killing them both.
Gronk casts fireball again, killing one of the humanoids and dealing 31dmg to the snake.
Shaken out of blindness, the snake slithers up to Gronk, swiping at him and dealing 22 sla dmg. Wrapping around Gronk, it bludegeons him for another 22, but fails to grapple him.
Kineeta lashes at both remaining creatures, hitting them both, hard.
Faefina uses her Spritual Weapon on the snake twice, dealing 23 dmg and lops off it's head.
Gronk kicks the head through the doorway as it rolls past.
Bori hits the last humanoid thre times, dealng 26 damage and maaking it shit its pants and knocks him out.
From behind the door comes more banging. The party look at each other, but before anyone can say anything, the door bursts open revealing two massive snake creatures with arms and 6 heads.
Gronk unleashes a massive fireball on them, dealing 38dmg ea.
Faefina casts Guiding Bolt on one, dealing 12 radiant dmg but misses with Spiritual Weapon.
Bori punches two of the five supporting pillars twice, weakening them.
The roof starts crumbling down, crushing the snakes for 44dmg.
The party all start running back toward the exit.
Kineeta throws a crystal on the ground and disappears in a puff of smoke. The rest of the party just make it to the end of the corridor (and safety) unscathed.
A crystalline magic ball rises above the rubble, shatters, and Kineeta appears on top of it. She says that the creatures will be back.
The two snake creatures rise from the rubble, dazed. They race towards Kineeta. The one bites at her, but misses. One of them, turning into a huge snakelike form (with no limbs), descends on her with a flurry of bites. It coils around her and constricts her, grappling her.
Kineeta stays calm, looks the snake in the eye, and speaks Elvish. Something drops somehere though, and her spell fails.
Faefina hits the snake creature with her morningstar, dealing 11 damage and casting Spirit Shroud on it.
Gronk casts Burning Hands on both of them, dealing 14 fir dmg ea.
Bori puts Feefina down, screams at the snake monster, and jumps at it's six faces, swinging and hitting three times, dealing 26 dmg, knocking it stunned and prone.
The aura of the creature affects Bori, frightening him.
Kineeta fails to escape the grapple, and takes more damage as acid drips from the fangs onto her body.
The other creature recovers from stun, and hits Bori for 26 sla dmg.
Kineeta speaks again to the snake grappling her, and it releases her and turns on it's brother.
Gronk, still in fear, backs away and drinks a health potions, recovering 8HP.
Faefina casts Healing Word on Gronk, giving him 13HP.
She tries using Spiritual Weapon, but it misses.
Bori continues slashing at the multi headed monster, hitting once for 9 dmg.
The snake creature changes to the same shape as its mate, attacks it with a flurry of blows. Its mate returns the favour.
Kineeta attacks too but misses.
Gronk drinks a potion of heroism, curing him of his fear.
Faefina hits with her Morningstar, dealing 21 dmg, and her Spiritual Weapon deals an additional 7 dmg.
Bori slashes at the now very damaged multi headed creature, killing it.
Kineeta commands the last one to leave, find water, and swim away for good.
Faefina finds an elven chainmail, giving +1AC.
Bori finds the Ironstone of agility. Toss up when attuned, it'll float around head and give +2 dexterity.
Everyone finds a common or uncommon magic item of their choice. and 10 075XP